Jaromír Krejcar

July 25, 1895 in Hundsheim, Austria
Oct. 5, 1950 in London, United Kingdom

He studied at two universities in Prague. The contact with Jan Kotěra from 1918-1921 is an important impuls for his work. He was one of the main voices promoting the ideas of the Bauhaus in Czechoslovakia. In Prague he was founding the Club for the new Prague as a counterbalance to the Club for the old Prague. Or maybe even more as a provocation. He was a left-wing architect and member of the Devětsil group. They were searching for new forms in design, architecture, literature, life style and work. Their concept was called Poetism. For the World Exhibition in Paris he designed the Czechoslovak Pavilion in 1937, that was honored in its time as one of the most striking buildings worldwide.

During World War II he went to London for the first time. After the war he returned to Czechoslovakia and lived for one year in Brno. But the Communist coup forced him to leave the country and decided to go to London again. He worked as a profossor and the Architectural Association



  • Wikipedia Jaromír Krejcar
  • Svoboda, Noll, Havlová: Praha 1919 - 1940. Kapitoly o meziválečné architektuře., 2000
  • Praha moderní Velký průvodce po architektuře 1900-1950 / Historické centrum, 2012


Prague (Praha), Czechia

Trenčianske Teplice, Slovakia