Both architects were inspired by housing estates such as the "Hufeisensiedlung" in Berlin or the "Rundling" in Leipzig. This primarily refers to the round shape of the building. In the case of Ústí nad Labem, the curved and S-shaped course of the two blocks adapts to the hill.
The south and west facades of the blocks make optimal use of the sunny side thanks to the S-shaped curves of both blocks, so that the the balconies were places there. Depending on their taste, some residents have had the balconies converted into winter gardens, which does not necessarily improve the overall visual impression.
The side with little sun was used on both blocks for the balconies that allow access to the apartments. The entrances to the balconies allow stairwells that are designed as kind of stair towers. They stand outside the building line of the apartment blocks, so they do not take away any valuable living space. Such balcony accesses were one solution to reduce the use of materials and components.
Due to the curved shape, at certain points, especially when standing between the two blocks, they evoke a feeling that the two blocks could lead to an infinite range.
On this website with interesting historical pictures the autors mention, that all 208 flats had the same layout. Over time some residents have combined two apartments into one.