Victor Fürth

Feb. 16, 1893 in Horažďovice, Czechia
Aug. 23, 1984 in Oxfort, USA

Victor Fürth, sometimes Viktor Fürth, was an architect and pedagogue of Jewish origin who worked during the 1920s and 1930s in Prague.

Victor Fürth attended a German high school in Mikulandská Street in Prague and became friend with his classmate Ernst Mühlstein. In 1924 the two founded a studio for architecture, where they both worked until 1939.

In 1910, after graduating from high school, they both began studying at the Prague German Technical University. During the war, Victor Fürth interrupted his studies and returned to school in the autumn of 1918. He completed his studies in 1921 and between 1923 and 1925, together with Ernst Mühlstein, founded a design studio, where they both worked until 1939. Just before World War II he emigrated with Ernst Mühlstein to the UK. Mühlstein traveled to Australia, while for Victor Fürth and his family, England became a new home. Through his projects, he made a significant contribution to the post-war reconstruction of London and became a member of the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA).

In 1949, he received a job offer as a professor of architecture at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, USA. His wife Martha (1908-1997) and his son Martin (1930-1993) followed him in 1953. From 1954, he became a full professor of architecture at Miami University.


Prague (Praha), Czechia
Zubatého 1

Prague (Praha), Czechia
Palace (Palác) Continental

Prague (Praha), Czechia

Prague (Praha), Czechia
Soukenická 27/29

Prague (Praha), Czechia
Petrská 1

Prague (Praha), Czechia

Prague (Praha), Czechia
Veletržní 19

Karlovy Vary, Czechia

Prague (Praha), Czechia
Masarykovo nábřeží 38