Karel Honzík

Sept. 24, 1900 in Le Croisic, France
Feb. 4, 1966 in Prague (Praha), Czechia

He studied in the years 1918–1925 at the University of Architecture and Civil Engineering at the Czech Technical University (ČVUT). He was very active and left-oriented and was organised in different groups: in Devětsil, Levá fronta, SVU Mánes, later in the Union of Architects. He works as an architect-designer (in 1928-36 he has a joint studio with Josef Havlíček), a furniture designer and as a professional publicist. He writes for Czech and foreign journals, and later focuses on the theoretical problems of modern architecture.

He began his professional career as a representative of the so-called "poetic" branch of functionalism.

After world War II he wrote a lot of books and theories about architecture. His memoirs Ze života avantgardy (From the life of the avant-garde) was published in 1963.


Prague (Praha), Czechia
Langer's villa

Prague (Praha), Czechia
General Pension Institute