Jacobus Johannes Pieter Oud

Feb. 9, 1890 in Purmerend, Netherlands
April 5, 1963 in Wassenaar, Netherlands

Oud, also known as J. J. P. Oud, started his career with studying drawing in Amsterdam and Munich. In Munich he cam ein contact with architecture and urbanism, that influenced his way.

He was also influenced by Frank Llyod Wright. His years in the Netherlands were formed by the cooperation with Theo van Doesburg. The two architects guided the New Architecture and demonstrated their ideas with the Villa Allegonda in Katwijk in 1917. In the same year they started to publish the magazine De Stijl, becoming the name of a group of avantgarde architects.

His brother Pieter Oud was the major of Rotterdam. That was a great chance to built a lot of new houses in Rotterdam. Besides he established the Amsterdam School, creating mostly buildings in red clinker bricks and consumer goods as well as technical equipment.

Oud designed also furniture.



Stuttgart, Germany