Single family house Zerbster Straße 12 (1936)

Feed image of Single family house Zerbster Straße 12

#Single family house #Leipzig #Germany #1936


Walter Lucas


Erich Peitsch

Address and directions

Zerbster Str. 12
04129 Leipzig, Germany

Public transport: Hartzstraße Bus 90

Today's use: Single family house


Although built in 1936 and having a pyramid roof construction, the house has the characteristics of modern architecture. This includes the northeast facade with the entrance, the elongated staircase window, the facade structure and the 4 windows on the street side.


Although built in 1936 and having a pyramid roof construction, the house has the characteristics of modern architecture. This includes the northeast facade with the entrance, the elongated staircase window, the facade structure and the 4 windows on the street side.


Gallery image of Single family house Zerbster Straße 12 Gallery image of Single family house Zerbster Straße 12