House of Vladimír Müller (Rodinný dům Vladimíra Müllera) (1927)

Feed image of House of Vladimír Müller

#Single family house #Olomouc #Czechia #1927


Paul Engelmann


Vladimír Müller

Address and directions

Černochova 148/6
779 00 Olomouc, Czechia

Public transport: Na Letné

Today's use: Single family house

A house with a high number of originally preserved interiors.


A house with two floors. On the upper floor, the facade at the southern corner was pulled back slightly to create a terrace. It is quite typical for architects of the "Loos School" to use different window shapes and sizes, always corresponding to the use of the respective rooms.

A website with pictures of the interieur.


A house with two floors. On the upper floor, the facade at the southern corner was pulled back slightly to create a terrace. It is quite typical for architects of the "Loos School" to use different window shapes and sizes, always corresponding to the use of the respective rooms.

A website with pictures of the interieur.


The house was built in 1927 and 1928. It is said, that thanks to the continuous attachment of the various homeowners to the original developer, many details of the house have been preserved.In 2012, after extensive research, the wooden window frames were installed according to the original forms. During further renovation work until 2019, former extensions such as a garage were demolished and the look of the original plaster was reapplied to the facade. The present owners love modernist architecture.


The house was built in 1927 and 1928. It is said, that thanks to the continuous attachment of the various homeowners to the original developer, many details of the house have been preserved.In 2012, after extensive research, the wooden window frames were installed according to the original forms. During further renovation work until 2019, former extensions such as a garage were demolished and the look of the original plaster was reapplied to the facade. The present owners love modernist architecture.


railing terrace canopy
with/in a garden/park periphere/neighbourhood


Gallery image of House of Vladimír Müller Gallery image of House of Vladimír Müller Gallery image of House of Vladimír Müller