Otto Matoušek's house (dům Otty Matouška) (1930)

Feed image of Otto Matoušek's house

#Villa #České Budějovice #Czechia #1930


Karel Chochola


Otto Matoušek

Address and directions

S. K. Neumanna 304/11; 303/13
370 01 České Budějovice, Czechia

Public transport: Grünwaldova

Today's use: villas

The painter Matoušek and the architect Chochola were friends.


Villa no. 11 was built in 1930 as the first one. The facade facing the street is dominated by a large window on the first floor. It might have been used as the painter's studio. This facade is oriented to north. This is very suitable for using a studio, as there is no direct sunlight and the lighting conditions in the room remain more or less the same during the whole day.

No. 13 was built in 1933 with similar shapes, but with a different outline. The facade is dominated by a horizontal ribbon window, serving the villa's stairway, next to the smaller windows.


Villa no. 11 was built in 1930 as the first one. The facade facing the street is dominated by a large window on the first floor. It might have been used as the painter's studio. This facade is oriented to north. This is very suitable for using a studio, as there is no direct sunlight and the lighting conditions in the room remain more or less the same during the whole day.

No. 13 was built in 1933 with similar shapes, but with a different outline. The facade is dominated by a horizontal ribbon window, serving the villa's stairway, next to the smaller windows.


Villa No. 11 was built for the painter Otto Matoušek in 1930. Matoušek and the architect Chochola were friends and founded the Association of South Bohemian Artists (sdružení jihočeských výtvarníků) in 1925. 

Chochola built the villa No. 13 in a similar style next to No. 11 in 1933.


Villa No. 11 was built for the painter Otto Matoušek in 1930. Matoušek and the architect Chochola were friends and founded the Association of South Bohemian Artists (sdružení jihočeských výtvarníků) in 1925. 

Chochola built the villa No. 13 in a similar style next to No. 11 in 1933.


along a street periphere/neighbourhood


Gallery image of Otto Matoušek's house Gallery image of Otto Matoušek's house Gallery image of Otto Matoušek's house