This is the town's only house in modern style of the 1930s. It was built in 1930 for the use as a department store and apartment house in one of the town's main shopping streets.
The owner wanted to have the older house adapted to his needs at this point. In the end it would probably have been too expensive, which is why the old house was demolished and this building was built in 1930. The grand opening took place on November 15, 1930. The particularly anti-Czech and pro-German attitude in the town was also reflected in the building's name Germania. The developer of the house was registered with this address in the town's address book in 1943. We assume that he lived in the house himself.
After World War II, the sales areas continued to be used for different products.
Until 1945 the predominantly German-speaking population in the Cheb region did not support new architectural trends. From 1933 and the seizure of power by the Nazis in Germany, building houses with flat roofs was even forbidden in this region, as Simona Marková writes in her diploma thesis Architektura Chebu v letech 1900-1945. Thus, we might venture the guess, that architecture in Czechoslovakia began to differ between 1933 and the end of World war II, depending on whether it was created in the German- or Czech-speaking environment.