Apartment house Corinthstraße 21-33 (1935)

Feed image of Apartment house Corinthstraße 21-33

#Apartment house #Leipzig #Germany #1935


M. Schönfeld

Address and directions

Corinthstr. 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33
04157 Leipzig, Germany

Public transport: S-Bahnhof Coppiplatz Tram 4, Bus 85, 90 / Coppiplatz Suburban S1

Today's use: Apartments


Another block in Leipzig that still bears many elements of modern building despite of the political conditions in Germany after 1933. However, these elents are significantly diminished by the very rustic ground floor zone of quarry stones. At the same time, the house bears very expressive features of the Art Deco style, popular in Leipzig in the 1920s and 1930s.

Very effective features of the house are the central staircase, which was designed as a small tower with two flagpoles, all other staircases with their angular windows and the red and white window frames.

The year of construction and the name of the architect M. Schönfeld, about whom nothing else is known, are put on a plaque on the left edge of the plinth area.


Another block in Leipzig that still bears many elements of modern building despite of the political conditions in Germany after 1933. However, these elents are significantly diminished by the very rustic ground floor zone of quarry stones. At the same time, the house bears very expressive features of the Art Deco style, popular in Leipzig in the 1920s and 1930s.

Very effective features of the house are the central staircase, which was designed as a small tower with two flagpoles, all other staircases with their angular windows and the red and white window frames.

The year of construction and the name of the architect M. Schönfeld, about whom nothing else is known, are put on a plaque on the left edge of the plinth area.


Gallery image of Apartment house Corinthstraße 21-33 Gallery image of Apartment house Corinthstraße 21-33 Gallery image of Apartment house Corinthstraße 21-33 Gallery image of Apartment house Corinthstraße 21-33 Gallery image of Apartment house Corinthstraße 21-33