As women had only been allowed to study in Hungary since 1919, Eszter Pécsi began her studies in Berlin in 1915. With the opportunity to study architecture as a woman in Hungary, she completed the last two years of her studies in Budapest. In 1920, she became the first Hungarian female architect.
In 1922, she married József Fischer. The two are Hungary's star architect couple. Like her husband, she was also a member of CIAM and belonged to the progressive architectural circles. They ran a joint architectural practice from 1931 to 1948. In addition to her work as an architect, she was also a civil engineer and became known for concrete constructions.
Her knowledge was in great demand after the end of World War II to repair the damage in Budapest. Due to nationalisation in 1948, the private architectural office was dissolved, which is why she worked for a state-owned company. As she was involved in the Social Democratic Party like her husband and was part of the resistance against the Soviet Union during the 1956 uprising, she lost her job.
In 1957, she emigrated to Vienna. She stayed there for two years and then went to New York City, where one of her sons lived. Her husband Józssef Fischer only managed to join her in 1964. In the USA, she worked with renowned architects such as Marcel Breuer and created important buildings such as the Amaricana Hotel in New York City. She also taught architecture at New York University. She died in New York City, but her ashes were transferred to Budapest.
In 1957, she emigrated to Vienna. She stayed there for two years and then went to New York City, where one of her sons lived. Her husband József Fischer only managed to join her in 1964. In the USA, she worked with renowned architects such as Marcel Breuer and created important buildings such as the Amaricana Hotel in New York City. She also taught architecture at New York University. She died in New York City, but her ashes were transferred to Budapest.