Đorđe (Ђорђе) Tabaković (Табаковић)

May 3, 1897 in Arad, Romania
Sept. 1, 1971 in Novi Sad (Нови Сад), Serbia

His first semesters studying architecture Đorđe Tabaković spent in Budapest. Due to World War I he was forced to serve in the army. After the war he graduated in architecture in Belgrade. Before the family moved from Arad in Romania to Novi Sad in Yugoslavia in 1928, he was called Ђура (Đura). In Yugoslavia he started to use the name's version Đorđe.

Two years he spent in Paris and in 1926 he went to his father's studio and gained more experiences.

Besides many buildings with details of the International Modernism, mainly in Novi Sad, he also designed many sacred buildings commissioned by the Serbian Orthodox Church. 

But after World War II he did not work as an active architect anymore.



Subotica (Суботица), Serbia
Job Centre Subotica

Novi Sad (Нови Сад), Serbia
Palace Klajn

Novi Sad (Нови Сад), Serbia
Palace Tanurdžić

Novi Sad (Нови Сад), Serbia
House of Novi Sad merchant youth

Novi Sad (Нови Сад), Serbia
Radnička 27

Novi Sad (Нови Сад), Serbia
House of Soko