Tram depot and workshop Uferstraße (Hauptwerkstatt) (1926)

Feed image of Tram depot and workshop Uferstraße

#Traffic facility #Berlin #Germany #1926


Jean Krämer


BVG Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (Berlin Transport Company)

Address and directions

Uferstraße 8-11, 23
13357 Berlin, Germany

Public transport: Uferstraße

Access: Public building, free entry during working hours

Today's use: Multifunctional building

...electric wires were stretched across the streets, the city lay beneath a swaying, charged web. (Alfred Döblin)


A large property between the streets Badstraße, Gottschedstraße, the river Panke and devided by the street Uferstraße is a mixure of buildings for different functions from different years. The street Uferstraße was once part of the river Panke, the halls east of this street were located on an island. The river channel was filled up and became the Uferstraße.

Next to the former main halls for tramways built by Joseph-Fischer Dick with the characterist shed roofs, the architect Jean Krämer added between 1926 and 1931 some more buildings. East of Uferstraße he designed the long block along the little river Panke. The main characteristic of his buildings are the expressive horizontal stripes along the facades. This building was used for halls, workshop and common rooms. In the south of this building and the most south point of the depot houses the boiler house with the 60 metres chimney and the rounded transformer station.

On the west of Uferstraße Krämer rebuilt in 1927 a former apartment house from 1904/05 to be used as the administration building and cafeteria. It was redesigned with stripes of clinker and plaster segments and a flat roof.

Some rails from the time as the building was used as a tram depot are still visible, giving this area its charm.


A large property between the streets Badstraße, Gottschedstraße, the river Panke and devided by the street Uferstraße is a mixure of buildings for different functions from different years. The street Uferstraße was once part of the river Panke, the halls east of this street were located on an island. The river channel was filled up and became the Uferstraße.

Next to the former main halls for tramways built by Joseph-Fischer Dick with the characterist shed roofs, the architect Jean Krämer added between 1926 and 1931 some more buildings. East of Uferstraße he designed the long block along the little river Panke. The main characteristic of his buildings are the expressive horizontal stripes along the facades. This building was used for halls, workshop and common rooms. In the south of this building and the most south point of the depot houses the boiler house with the 60 metres chimney and the rounded transformer station.

On the west of Uferstraße Krämer rebuilt in 1927 a former apartment house from 1904/05 to be used as the administration building and cafeteria. It was redesigned with stripes of clinker and plaster segments and a flat roof.

Some rails from the time as the building was used as a tram depot are still visible, giving this area its charm.


The headline comes from Alfred Döblin's book Berlin Alexanderplatz (1929). He describes trams and at the same time the electrifying excitement of a modern city.

This depot is a place were the history of the public transport is still visible, even that it is used as a cultural place called Uferhallen since 2007. Some sources call the depot Hauptwerkstatt (main workshop) or Straßenbahnbetriebshof Gesundbrunnen (tram depot Gesundbrunnen). The first buildings on this property date back to the years, when horse-drawn trams went through the streets of Berlin. At the first horse-drawn tram was operated from this place in 1873. The first electric tram in Berlin left this depot for its first tour in 1895. In 1900 and 1901 the depot became the main workshop for maintenance and repairs. The architects Joseph Fischer-Dick (halls) and Arthur Busse (administration building) realized the first extansions of the depot until 1906. Jean Krämer, an architect we are focusing on, added some more buildings or rebuilt the adminstration building by Busse between 1926 and 1931. The tram system was closed in West Berlin, so the last repaired tramway left this depot in 1965. From 1966 until 2006 this depot was used as the central workshop for busses.


The headline comes from Alfred Döblin's book Berlin Alexanderplatz (1929). He describes trams and at the same time the electrifying excitement of a modern city.

This depot is a place were the history of the public transport is still visible, even that it is used as a cultural place called Uferhallen since 2007. Some sources call the depot Hauptwerkstatt (main workshop) or Straßenbahnbetriebshof Gesundbrunnen (tram depot Gesundbrunnen). The first buildings on this property date back to the years, when horse-drawn trams went through the streets of Berlin. At the first horse-drawn tram was operated from this place in 1873. The first electric tram in Berlin left this depot for its first tour in 1895. In 1900 and 1901 the depot became the main workshop for maintenance and repairs. The architects Joseph Fischer-Dick (halls) and Arthur Busse (administration building) realized the first extansions of the depot until 1906. Jean Krämer, an architect we are focusing on, added some more buildings or rebuilt the adminstration building by Busse between 1926 and 1931. The tram system was closed in West Berlin, so the last repaired tramway left this depot in 1965. From 1966 until 2006 this depot was used as the central workshop for busses.


Construction types
clinker brick
flat shed
clock skylight chimney
along a street periphere/neighbourhood


Gallery image of Tram depot and workshop Uferstraße Gallery image of Tram depot and workshop Uferstraße Gallery image of Tram depot and workshop Uferstraße Gallery image of Tram depot and workshop Uferstraße Gallery image of Tram depot and workshop Uferstraße Gallery image of Tram depot and workshop Uferstraße Gallery image of Tram depot and workshop Uferstraße Gallery image of Tram depot and workshop Uferstraße Gallery image of Tram depot and workshop Uferstraße Gallery image of Tram depot and workshop Uferstraße Gallery image of Tram depot and workshop Uferstraße Gallery image of Tram depot and workshop Uferstraße Gallery image of Tram depot and workshop Uferstraße Gallery image of Tram depot and workshop Uferstraße