Pestalozzi School (Pestalozzischule) (1927)

Feed image of Pestalozzi School

#School #Zwickau #Germany #1927


Paul Bock


Municipality of Zwickau

Address and directions

Seminarstraße 3
08058 Zwickau, Germany

Public transport: K.-Kollwitz-Gymnasium

Today's use: School

The municipality showed interest in modern architecture at an early stage.


The Zwickau city planner Paul Bock planned an U-shaped school. The construction is striking because of the dark red clinker bricks, which are rarely used in this region for cladding an entire building. The long building in the middle and the part in the south house all classrooms and teachers' rooms. Strikingly designed staircases are part of this area. In addition, the school has an auditorium, two indoor gyms and an outdoor gym and even its own swimming pool.

The Dresden sculptor Rudolf Born created a decoration on the street side. It shows a teacher in the middle. He is surrounded by children learning from books and from him. The facade next to the decoration and some other details like doors do not result in a purely functionalist but also an expressionist architecture for the school.

The school rooms were provided with a colour system, which should simplify the children's orientation. The idea created by the Bauhaus photographer Jindřich Koch was restored until 2012.


The Zwickau city planner Paul Bock planned an U-shaped school. The construction is striking because of the dark red clinker bricks, which are rarely used in this region for cladding an entire building. The long building in the middle and the part in the south house all classrooms and teachers' rooms. Strikingly designed staircases are part of this area. In addition, the school has an auditorium, two indoor gyms and an outdoor gym and even its own swimming pool.

The Dresden sculptor Rudolf Born created a decoration on the street side. It shows a teacher in the middle. He is surrounded by children learning from books and from him. The facade next to the decoration and some other details like doors do not result in a purely functionalist but also an expressionist architecture for the school.

The school rooms were provided with a colour system, which should simplify the children's orientation. The idea created by the Bauhaus photographer Jindřich Koch was restored until 2012.


The plans for this school date back to 1926. One year later the municipality started to built the school. On October 29th in 1929 it was inaugurted. The last big renovation lasted from 2005 until 2012.


The plans for this school date back to 1926. One year later the municipality started to built the school. On October 29th in 1929 it was inaugurted. The last big renovation lasted from 2005 until 2012.


Construction types
casement ribbon
flat gable
roof terrace sculpture clock canopy pillar
along a street with/in a garden/park periphere/neighbourhood


Gallery image of Pestalozzi School Gallery image of Pestalozzi School Gallery image of Pestalozzi School Gallery image of Pestalozzi School Gallery image of Pestalozzi School Gallery image of Pestalozzi School Gallery image of Pestalozzi School Gallery image of Pestalozzi School Gallery image of Pestalozzi School Gallery image of Pestalozzi School Gallery image of Pestalozzi School Gallery image of Pestalozzi School Gallery image of Pestalozzi School Gallery image of Pestalozzi School Gallery image of Pestalozzi School Gallery image of Pestalozzi School Gallery image of Pestalozzi School Gallery image of Pestalozzi School Gallery image of Pestalozzi School