Jiráskovo nábřeží 16, 17, 18 (1932)

Feed image of Jiráskovo nábřeží 16, 17, 18

#Single family house #České Budějovice #Czechia #1932


Josef Kotlář

Address and directions

Jiráskovo nábřeží 1546/16, 1545/17, 1544/18
370 04 České Budějovice, Czechia

Public transport: U Zelené ratolesti

Today's use: Apartments

Three similar family houses designed by Josef Kotlář.


Each of the three houses has been designed individually. No. 16 received the most puristic facade design. The strongest design element are the two large windows on the top floor. No. 17 has a similar rough structure of the building masses. The aesthetics of the house are strongly defined by an oculus window and a flagpole. The semi-circular balcony increases the effect of the houses in contrast to the angular shapes of the house, as does the semi-circular oriel with the small terrace in No. 18.


Each of the three houses has been designed individually. No. 16 received the most puristic facade design. The strongest design element are the two large windows on the top floor. No. 17 has a similar rough structure of the building masses. The aesthetics of the house are strongly defined by an oculus window and a flagpole. The semi-circular balcony increases the effect of the houses in contrast to the angular shapes of the house, as does the semi-circular oriel with the small terrace in No. 18.


Between 1932 and 1934 the architect designed those three single family houses.


Between 1932 and 1934 the architect designed those three single family houses.


casement oculus
balcony flagpole terrace roof terrace oriel
along a street periphere/neighbourhood


Gallery image of Jiráskovo nábřeží 16, 17, 18 Gallery image of Jiráskovo nábřeží 16, 17, 18 Gallery image of Jiráskovo nábřeží 16, 17, 18 Gallery image of Jiráskovo nábřeží 16, 17, 18 Gallery image of Jiráskovo nábřeží 16, 17, 18 Gallery image of Jiráskovo nábřeží 16, 17, 18 Gallery image of Jiráskovo nábřeží 16, 17, 18 Gallery image of Jiráskovo nábřeží 16, 17, 18 Gallery image of Jiráskovo nábřeží 16, 17, 18 Gallery image of Jiráskovo nábřeží 16, 17, 18 Gallery image of Jiráskovo nábřeží 16, 17, 18 Gallery image of Jiráskovo nábřeží 16, 17, 18 Gallery image of Jiráskovo nábřeží 16, 17, 18