Grammar School Jan Kepler (Gymnázium Jana Keplera) (1931)

Feed image of Grammar School Jan Kepler

#School #Prague (Praha) #Czechia #1931


Stavební úřad (Building Authority) Praha

Address and directions

Parléřova 2/118
169 00 Prague (Praha), Czechia

Public transport: Pohořelec

Today's use: School


According to Karolína Malá's baccelor thesis: Architektonické proměny budovy Gymnázia Jana Keplera, architectural transformations of the Johannes Kepler Gymnasium Building, Charles University Prague (2014), translated from Czech:

Construction began in spring 1931. The school building was completely completed on February 1, 1931. We believe, Malá confused the dates and it should rather be February 1932.

The floor plan of the school has the shape of an irregular "T" with two open courtyards. The main facade is facing south along the street Parléřova. On the north side the school is directly connected with the older parts of the school, the former boy's school. The building has two floors with a partial third floor above the staircase and a flat roof .

The whole building is made of bricks. Lintels of reinforced concrete were used for the ceiling and staircase construction.The facade is is dominated by strip windows with blue window frames and the blue flagpole. This is the original colour scheme. The lower part of the facade consists of an artificial plinth stones. A distinctive element visible when looking at the courtyard is a glassed staircase, composed of small raised window panes.

In the basement of the building used to be a gym, next to it were installed showers, toilets, changing rooms, a coal cellar, a boiler room and even a laundry with a dryer. A corridor connetcted the area north of it, the so called girls' wings with a training kitchen and dining room, shared toilets, pantries and hot air chamber (but we don't what for).

All other three floors are used as class rooms, headmaster's room and toalets. The interiors are equipped with fireclay tiles, the stairs are made of granite.


According to Karolína Malá's baccelor thesis: Architektonické proměny budovy Gymnázia Jana Keplera, architectural transformations of the Johannes Kepler Gymnasium Building, Charles University Prague (2014), translated from Czech:

Construction began in spring 1931. The school building was completely completed on February 1, 1931. We believe, Malá confused the dates and it should rather be February 1932.

The floor plan of the school has the shape of an irregular "T" with two open courtyards. The main facade is facing south along the street Parléřova. On the north side the school is directly connected with the older parts of the school, the former boy's school. The building has two floors with a partial third floor above the staircase and a flat roof .

The whole building is made of bricks. Lintels of reinforced concrete were used for the ceiling and staircase construction.The facade is is dominated by strip windows with blue window frames and the blue flagpole. This is the original colour scheme. The lower part of the facade consists of an artificial plinth stones. A distinctive element visible when looking at the courtyard is a glassed staircase, composed of small raised window panes.

In the basement of the building used to be a gym, next to it were installed showers, toilets, changing rooms, a coal cellar, a boiler room and even a laundry with a dryer. A corridor connetcted the area north of it, the so called girls' wings with a training kitchen and dining room, shared toilets, pantries and hot air chamber (but we don't what for).

All other three floors are used as class rooms, headmaster's room and toalets. The interiors are equipped with fireclay tiles, the stairs are made of granite.


Gallery image of Grammar School Jan Kepler Gallery image of Grammar School Jan Kepler Gallery image of Grammar School Jan Kepler Gallery image of Grammar School Jan Kepler