As a visitor or interested person, you are more likely to reach the east facade from the main road. The houses are typical of the housing estates of the interwar period. Windows were omitted on the north and south sides. The entrances and stairwells are designed on the east side. In this case, they are particularly emphasised. The vertically arranged ribbon windows in particular give the block its modern appearance. The bathrooms and kitchens on the west side are apparently quite atypical, as they are often located on the east side. However, this layout is also used in the Krochsiedlung in Leipzig. Gardens follow on the west side, which are made available to some residents. This measure was very humane around 1930, giving people a small piece of land to allow them to use an own place for light, sun and a small kitchen garden.Due to the slight incline of the street to the south, there is a small difference in height between the three house units, precisely between houses numbers 92 and 94. This is clearly visible at the edge of the roof.