Café Grundmann (1930)

Feed image of Café Grundmann

#Café #Leipzig #Germany #1930

Address and directions

Mahlmannstraße 16
04107 Leipzig, Germany

Public transport: Schenkendorfstraße

Access: Public building, free entry during working hours

Today's use: Café

If you fancy enjoying the spirit of the interwar period, this is the place to be.


The modernist part of the café is the veranda with the large letters. The today's interior is part of an Art Deco concept.


The modernist part of the café is the veranda with the large letters. The today's interior is part of an Art Deco concept.


We have found different information about the time of construction. The Department for the Preservation of Historic Monuments and Buildings (Amt für Denkmalschutz) mentions the year 1927, the website of the café informs about reconstruction plans from 1928, which were not implemented until 1930. During these alterations, the entire interior of the café was changed.

Between 1998 and 2000 the café got renovated. The reconstructed and redesigned letters convey an impression of the formal taste of the time around 1930. They are influenced by Art Deco.

The main house was built in 1880.


We have found different information about the time of construction. The Department for the Preservation of Historic Monuments and Buildings (Amt für Denkmalschutz) mentions the year 1927, the website of the café informs about reconstruction plans from 1928, which were not implemented until 1930. During these alterations, the entire interior of the café was changed.

Between 1998 and 2000 the café got renovated. The reconstructed and redesigned letters convey an impression of the formal taste of the time around 1930. They are influenced by Art Deco.

The main house was built in 1880.

hopper hung
winter garden
along a street periphere/neighbourhood


Gallery image of Café Grundmann Gallery image of Café Grundmann Gallery image of Café Grundmann Gallery image of Café Grundmann Gallery image of Café Grundmann Gallery image of Café Grundmann Gallery image of Café Grundmann