Bauhaus Dessau (1925)

Feed image of Bauhaus Dessau

#School #Dessau-Roßlau #Germany #1925


Walter Gropius


Stadt Dessau

Address and directions

Gropiusallee 38
06846 Dessau-Roßlau, Germany

Public transport: Bauhausplatz

Access: Public building, free entry during working hours

Today's use: Museum and hotel

An icon in the history of modern architecture


The Bauhaus campus consists of four buildings: the workshop building, the flat intermediate building for the cafeteria and stage, the bridge with the offices and the former school building. Everything together results in a coherent organism. The workshop building without partition walls inside and the curtain wall outside caused the greatest astonishment among people in 1925/26. The curtain wall made of glass had one disadvantage for the students, because in the summer due to the huge glass facade the rooms heated up and in the winter it was very cold. The flat central building was used as a lecture hall and cafeteria during the day and in the evening, for example, for student performances. This part of the building is connected to the dormitory, also known as the Prellerhaus. Students had the opportunity to live and work in one of the 28 rooms. The comfort for that time was very high. Each room even had a small balcony. A kitchen was available for the students on each floor. The long balconies on the south side belong to the kitchens and could be used by everyone. The roof was also accessible and was intended for gymnastics exercises. The second connecting building is a bridge building in which the offices and director's room of the Bauhaus were located. This bridge building is connected to the former school building.


The Bauhaus campus consists of four buildings: the workshop building, the flat intermediate building for the cafeteria and stage, the bridge with the offices and the former school building. Everything together results in a coherent organism. The workshop building without partition walls inside and the curtain wall outside caused the greatest astonishment among people in 1925/26. The curtain wall made of glass had one disadvantage for the students, because in the summer due to the huge glass facade the rooms heated up and in the winter it was very cold. The flat central building was used as a lecture hall and cafeteria during the day and in the evening, for example, for student performances. This part of the building is connected to the dormitory, also known as the Prellerhaus. Students had the opportunity to live and work in one of the 28 rooms. The comfort for that time was very high. Each room even had a small balcony. A kitchen was available for the students on each floor. The long balconies on the south side belong to the kitchens and could be used by everyone. The roof was also accessible and was intended for gymnastics exercises. The second connecting building is a bridge building in which the offices and director's room of the Bauhaus were located. This bridge building is connected to the former school building.


Built in 1925/26 and designed in Walter Gropius' studio, since the architecture class at the Bauhaus only existed from 1927. In the building, people worked, taught, ate, played theatre and Walter Gropius, who designed his own director's office, decided what was going to happen at the Bauhaus. After the Bauhaus moved from Weimar to Dessau, this building was intended to represent the progressive orientation of the Bauhaus.

Heavily destroyed in World War II, it was restored for the first time from 1965 to 1976. This happened because the GDR was slowly rehabilitating the Bauhaus. In 1996 the Bauhaus became a World Heritage Site of the UNESCO. Thus, another restoration began in the same year until 2006 in order to restore the original condition of the buildings as far as possible.


Built in 1925/26 and designed in Walter Gropius' studio, since the architecture class at the Bauhaus only existed from 1927. In the building, people worked, taught, ate, played theatre and Walter Gropius, who designed his own director's office, decided what was going to happen at the Bauhaus. After the Bauhaus moved from Weimar to Dessau, this building was intended to represent the progressive orientation of the Bauhaus.

Heavily destroyed in World War II, it was restored for the first time from 1965 to 1976. This happened because the GDR was slowly rehabilitating the Bauhaus. In 1996 the Bauhaus became a World Heritage Site of the UNESCO. Thus, another restoration began in the same year until 2006 in order to restore the original condition of the buildings as far as possible.



Construction types
steel skeleton
plaster curtain wall
casement fixed pivot vertical
glass block illumination canopy lettering pillar
along a street periphere/neighbourhood


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