Apartment block Hopfenbergstraße (1931)

Feed image of Apartment block Hopfenbergstraße

#Apartment block #Leipzig #Germany #1931


Wohnungsbaugesellschaft Leipzig-Möckern m.b.H.

Address and directions

Hopfenbergstr. 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14
04159 Leipzig, Germany

Public transport: Wahren 10, 11, 11E, Bus 80, 87, 88, 90, 91

Today's use: Apartments


This apartment block consists of six apartment buildings with a total of 48 flats. The houses in the middle with the numbers 6, 8, 10, 12 have balconies facing the street and three flats per floor with a kitchen, two rooms and a bathroom. The balconies on the street side determine the appearance of the complex. They are arranged next to the staircases, are rounded and end with a roof above the highest balcony. The shape of the balconies is the most modern design of the block.

The apartment buildings number 4 and 14, the head buildings of the row, have the balconies facing the courtyard and two flats per floor. The balconies at the back are designed as a cross-shaped construction, corresponding to Bruno Taut's concepts, e.g. in the Berlin Hufeisensiedlung.

The building permit was issued in July 1931 and construction work was carried out until May 1932.

The red window frames could also be a possible citation of Bruno Taut's architecture. Unfortunately, very cheap building materials were chosen. Only the original entrance doors have been preserved.


This apartment block consists of six apartment buildings with a total of 48 flats. The houses in the middle with the numbers 6, 8, 10, 12 have balconies facing the street and three flats per floor with a kitchen, two rooms and a bathroom. The balconies on the street side determine the appearance of the complex. They are arranged next to the staircases, are rounded and end with a roof above the highest balcony. The shape of the balconies is the most modern design of the block.

The apartment buildings number 4 and 14, the head buildings of the row, have the balconies facing the courtyard and two flats per floor. The balconies at the back are designed as a cross-shaped construction, corresponding to Bruno Taut's concepts, e.g. in the Berlin Hufeisensiedlung.

The building permit was issued in July 1931 and construction work was carried out until May 1932.

The red window frames could also be a possible citation of Bruno Taut's architecture. Unfortunately, very cheap building materials were chosen. Only the original entrance doors have been preserved.


Gallery image of Apartment block Hopfenbergstraße Gallery image of Apartment block Hopfenbergstraße Gallery image of Apartment block Hopfenbergstraße Gallery image of Apartment block Hopfenbergstraße Gallery image of Apartment block Hopfenbergstraße Gallery image of Apartment block Hopfenbergstraße Gallery image of Apartment block Hopfenbergstraße Gallery image of Apartment block Hopfenbergstraße Gallery image of Apartment block Hopfenbergstraße