It is not entirely clear to us what material the house was built from. Based on the pictures, we suspect that it is a mixed construction. The tower in the centre is most likely a concrete construction. We deduce this from the pictures of the bombing in 1999, which left circular holes. We assume, that brick wall would probably have collapsed.
We do not know whether the building itself is also made of concrete. It could also be made of bricks according to some parts of the building.
The building expands in steps both in height and width. The square to the southeast and the main street of Zemun Glavna ulica give the building space to unfold its effect. In the centre, the building grows upwards with the tower and the concrete pergola on the roof to the left and right of the tower. The building expands in width with the front parts of the building, which set an accent with round balconies.
The building forms an inner courtyard, so that all wings have windows on both sides.
Zlata Markov Baranji, a sculptor from Novi Sad, created an expressive figure depicting Icarus for the building. Icarus, who was given wings in Greek mythology, was advised not to fly too high or too low. In the end, he was overcome by exuberance. He flew too high, which melted the wax of the glued-on wings and he crashed. It seems strange that the symbol was used. But it could encourage moderation. As long as Icarus kept to the rules, nothing happened to him and flying was meant to be to his advantage, like the aviation for the Yugoslav state.